Thursday, May 29th
Ah, finally...I've started working on my Myspace page for Karen Leah Photography so, if you get a friend request from Karen Leah, please, stop in and say hi!
There will be lots of images to follow, some of them might even be yours.
Or, if for some reason I can't find you, please send me a friend request:
Karen Leah on 05.29.08 @ 03:01 PM PST [link]
Wednesday, May 28th
Friday, May 23rd
Casting Call
OK, I know, I'm a little behind on the blogging, but in the meantime, it probably goes without saying that I am addicted to wedding shows (and was actually on one a few years ago-very exciting; I think all you saw was my lens and flash)

so when I got this email from the TLC Casting department I was pretty excited; it's for all you engaged brides and it looks like a lot of fun! And, if anyone actually ends up doing this, let me know!
Have you seen the new You Tube sensation of married couples with truly amazing and funny first dances? TLC is looking for lucky couples to team up with our TOP NOTCH CHOREOGRAPHERS who will turn their first dance into an unforgettable production number! If you want to surprise your guests with an awesome performance that will make your wedding truly memorable, contact us ASAP to set up an interview. Right now, we are looking for couples getting married in May, June, or July in the Southern California area. Send an email to for more information orto set up an interview.
----------------------------------------- Thanks!
Chandra Wicke
Casting Associate
"Rock the Reception"
TLCBrand New Entertainment
O: 310.558.8661, ext. 119
Karen Leah on 05.23.08 @ 12:05 PM PST [link]
Monday, May 19th
Ava and Asher (and Sarah)
There are days where I probably have the best job in the world; and this was one of them. Ava, Asher, (and mom Sarah) and I met at Topanga to shoot belated Easter portraits of the kids (although we did manage to sneak in a couple of mom, too). I actually met Sarah and Ava when they were in a wedding I photographed a couple of years ago.

I then got to "meet" Asher a few months later when I did Sarah and Jarrod's maternity photos at, well, Topanga Park (OK, OK, I know, there's a theme here, but that area is truly stunning). :-)

Despite the weather, Ava and Asher were incredible-just bubbly, sweet, and cute as can be.

Karen Leah on 05.19.08 @ 08:03 PM PST [link]