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Home » Archives » September 2009 » Crossfit Los Angeles

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09/03/2009: "Crossfit Los Angeles"

There are days where I KNOW that I have the greatest job ever- when I become friends with my clients, when I'm spending some quiet time with a bride as she's getting ready, and when I get to do things totally out of ordinary...This was one of them.

A quick backstory: during my weddings and sittings I climb, jump, crawl, and embarrass myself in a multitude of ways to get the perfect shot and I often get asked how I'm able to do all of this: These Guys. Crossfit is an amazing program-I was active before, but now (Yes, Jonsey, even when I don't go to class I'm still working out) it so far beyond what I could do before.

So when John asked me if I was available to photograph the Grand Opening of Crossfit LA I couldn't say yes fast enough.

So, Andy, John, Becca, Michael, Jennifer, and Jonesy-thank you for letting me be a part of this; we had an amazing time.

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OK, I have give Brian an apology for this one, see, The guy on the right is Psycho Mike from KROQ-we listen to Kevin and Bean every morning. Yes, I knew who he was and how happy it would make Brian to know this. And someday, if you meet me, remind me to tell you the story of what Brian did when we saw someone from a certain television show Brian DOESN'T EVEN WATCH walking his dog-why I didn't tell Brian who we were photographing will make sense. I'm sorry, Brian.

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I love this photo. The gentleman sitting down is Coach Glassman. Even if you know nothing about Crossfit, just listening to him speak and seeing how much he loves what he does is inspiring for anyone in any industry.

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