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12/17/2008: "Celeste and Marco"
Celeste and Marco are getting married next March and we just did their engagement sitting at the Exposition Park Rose Garden. It was another fantastic day at the rose garden and my first time meeting Celeste (I had met Marco years ago at the wedding of Chuck and Scarlette...and Chuck, I will free Joe Bruin one of these days!! :-) I'll spare my fellow UCLA fans/alumni the story of what this Trojan fan did to poor Joe Bruin-but feel free to ask me about it some time). Celeste and Marco are just the calmest, sweetest couple ever and it was so hard to narrow down some photos for this entry, but here are some of my favorites (Celeste, I know you already got a sneak peek but there are some new ones here, too). Thank you again, you two. I'll see you guys soon!!